Two of the oft-heard complaints about eating fruits and vegetables are:
1. “I get bored with eating fruits and vegetables.”
1. “I get bored with eating fruits and vegetables.”
2. “It is too expensive to eat healthy.”
One of the easiest ways to help solve both of these problems is to “eat for the seasons”. By paying attention to what produce is available at what times, I make sure that I don’t get bored because it’s changing every 2 to 3 months. Summer has been wonderful with all the fresh produce: berries, green beans, corn, sugar snap peas, tomatoes, etc. But as the weather turns colder I start to look forward to the new crop of apples, pears, grapes, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin. Plus, buying produce that is in season means that you get it for a cheaper price, it’s more likely to be grown closer to you, and IT TASTES SO MUCH BETTER. Seriously, don’t waste your money on blueberries outside the summer months.
If you’re wondering what’s in season right now, check out these two links:
If anyone out there has a good recipe for butternut squash, please share it with me. I am looking for a good recipe because I’ve struck out the last few years, and we need some vitamin A!